This post maps out all of my book reading for the year of 2025. This is part of my general attempt to reduce my consumption of short-form media (podcasts, news articles, youtube videos) that I’m convinced is eroding my attention span.
Rules: books on the list are either NS (not started), IP (in progress) or C (complete).
Non fiction
- The power of habit [C]
- Narnie (lev, satnik, a carodenica) (CS Lewis) [C]
- SPQR (Mary Beard) [NS]
- Hry o zivot (Suzanne Collins) [IP]
- Murderbot Diaries [NS]
- How to take smart notes [NS]
- How to stop worrying and start living [NS]
- Brave New World [NS]
- People’s history of the USA [IP]
- Billion dollar whale [NS]
- Barbarians at the gate [NS]
- When genius failed [NS]
- Do androids dream of electric sheep? [C]
- Quicksilver [NS]
- The simple path to wealth (JL Collins) [IP]
- How we learn: why brains learn better than any machine (Stanislas Dehaene) [IP]
- Matt Levine